Sunday, September 27, 2009

So this is a video clip of my first realy show on the ship. It was with Joni Butler, a singer from South Carolina. GREAT VOICE....that you can't here on this video because, well, I was filming me. :-) She thought that I was, quote, azn "awesome drummer," and would like to work with me again. She will be on tour next year in a Liza/Bette/Babs tribute show...long story short, she has my card. Enjoy the video!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hello. My friends call me Beats.

I will be starting a 4-month contract with Princess Cruise Lines tomorrow morning as a drummer in their show band.

As I started researching this gig, I found very little information on what cruise ship work/life is actually like, so I decided to write this blog. To:

1. Keep my friends and family up to date on my goings on and whereabouts.
2. To inform anyone who is interested what it is like to work on a cruise ship.

More info as it happens.